Sunday 13 July 2014

Design for Humanitiy: action to end poverty.


The organisation hereby constituted will be called 'Design for Humanity'

Main objectives

a. mother earth's life support systems

     Restoring the health of all ecosystems

     Restoring the health of water, soil systems

     Protecting global climate and promoting regenerative resources

     Ridding the earth of the exploitation of other species for profit gain

     Empowering Indigenous knowledge to help eliminate poverty


b. Empowering women and children


     Training women to be community leaders and permaculture educators

     Address malnutrition and malnourishment in children and wider community

     Taking a stand against domestic violence and discrimination against women

     Nurture maternal instinct of women for earth care and people care

c. Using Permaculture design principles in development


·      Using appropriate technology and earth building techniques to build sustainable housing

·      Growing food to develop community and nutrition outcomes

·      Establishing food and water security in slums and disaster zones

·      Building and construction training in appropriate and sustainable housing


d. Making poverty history


·      Access to clean water for every child, woman and man

·      Legal tenure of housing for all 'illegal' citizens of slums of the world

·      Access to quality housing for every citizen of the world: Focusing first on street children, homeless, illegal neighbourhoods (i.e. slums), then later, recognised slums with inadequate housing and services.

d. Aid worker training and professional development

·      Leadership development

·      How to address government and NGO corruption

·      How to use appropriate technology and earth building techniques

·      Growing food to develop community and nutrition outcomes

·      Implanting food and water security in slums and disaster zones

·      Construction training in appropriate and sustainable housing

·      Addressing social, economic and environmental poverty constructively and practically.

e.  Helping to expose corruption in humanitarian aid

     Corruption in aid organisations and NGO's costs the lives of the world's most vulnerable people.

     Latin America is rife with NPO's set up to steal money from people of good will (M. Davies 2006.).

     Therefore it is a core principle of Design for Humanity to directly expose these atrocities through documentaries, articles, journals, newspapers and the world media


Mission Statment


The mission of Design for Humanity is two-fold. The first branch stems from the belief that when women are given equal rights and empowered in the community to make economic and leadership decisions, they are a key driving force against poverty. By enhancing women's standing in the household and community, gender equality translates into greater wellbeing for children and reducing poverty for future generations. The second branch is a belief in the liberating force of education. Design for Humanity seeks to educate in the knowledge of ecosystems and how to work within nature to provide access to clean and secure water, nutritional food as well as sustainable and secure housing. In this way, communities can grow into places of self-actualisation rather than areas of daily survival. This is the paradigm shift that is required in order for humanity to evolve as a whole together. It is the moral responsibility and duty of every thinking person.

Assessment Standards

Holding the U.N.H.C.R and U.N.D.P to account for the millennium development goals with the support of World Bank critics and writers. The practice of supporting corrupt NPO's in Latin America (and the wider world) must end. Accountability to a code of financial and practical principles is severely lacking in global humanitarian aid (Davies, 2009).

The current (2014) UN Millennium Development Goals are:

1)    Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger through access to nutritious food and clean water

2)    Achieve universal primary education

3)    Promote gender equality and empower women as community leaders.

4)    Reduce child Mortality through access to sanitary and safe childbirth.

5)    Improve maternal health

6)    Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases through sexual health education.

7)    Ensure environmental sustainability through food security, ecological preservation and restoration.

Poverty and inequality are looked at as economic issues by the United Nations. Not as crimes against humanity and the value of human life. The additional criteria that Design for Humanity would add to the above goals of the UN are:

1)    Professional accountability for all associated NGO's and aid workers of the UN

2)    Jail sentences of government and NGO officials found guilty of financial corruption to be determined by the International Court of Human Rights (Geneva)

3)    The immediate and practical implantation of food gardens and rainwater tanks

4)    Permaculture design as a minimum standard for aid development

5)    Legal land tenure to all citizen of the world

6)    Freedom of speech and the right to protest

7)    Addressing cultural systemic problems with education

8)    Climatic, cultural, social and financial appropriate responses for site contextual issues

9)    Humanitarian aid models implemented by exemplary best practice (S. Muir Wilson, 2012)

10) Implementation of Bioregional map and chapter 14 of Permaculture: A Designer's Manual (Mollison, 1990)

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