Click Here: for HOUSEfly BAD NEWS
Some dot points:
- The housefly is without doubt the most common, domestic flies around. They are the most distributed insect as they can be found world wide. Out of all flies that inhabit human habitats, the housefly makes up 91% of them.
- A female fly can lay a batch of between 75 to 151 eggs at any one time, while laying a maximum of around 500 eggs in her lifetime.
- Within a day of the eggs having been laid, the eggs will Hatch into larvae or otherwise known as maggots. The now pale White maggots measure between 3 to 9 mm in length, have no legs and are thinner at the end where the mouth is.
- The maggots will then thrive and feed on the likes of dead, decaying organic material, garbage and feces.
- The maggots will grow through three instars' over the period of at least one week.
- Once they have reached their third instar the maggots will find a dry and cool place to transform into a pupa.
- As a pupa, they are a reddish or Brown colour measuring around 8 mm in length. Once the pupae have matured, and adult fly will emerge from the pupae.
- As adult flies in the wild they will live between two weeks and month while in captivity such as in a laboratory they can live longer.
- A female fly will become receptive to mating in only 36 hours after emerging from its pupa stage.
- Copulation will take very little time, a few seconds to possibly a couple of minutes. The female fly will normally store the sperm and mate only once using the sperm several times for several sets of eggs.
Click Here: for HOUSEfly GOOD NEWS
- Jason Drew, author of The Story of the Fly and how it could save the World, believes that the insect, widely regarded as a pest, should be used to provide a protein-rich diet for chickens and fish.
- Mao Zedong's Great sparrow campaign also known as the Kill a sparrow campaign, and officially, the Four Pests campaign was one of the first actions taken in the Great Leap Forward from 1958 to 1962. The four pests to be eliminated were rats, flies, mosquitoes, and sparrows. The extermination of the last upset the ecological balance, and enabled crop-eating insects to proliferate. It turns out everything has an ECOLOGICALplace in the world – even flies.
- China’s Worst Self-Inflicted Environmental Disaster an exemplar of ONEdimensional thinking.
- Black Soldier Fly Farming, arguably the next generation of composting, has a website dedicated to learning and teaching about what it takes to breed the black soldier fly. Researching the benefits of using black soldier fly's in waste avoidance, resource recovery, and waste management by developing, maintaining, and studying BSF farms and designs. All the research findings will be published on this website to be used as a free information source for anyone interested in learning more about these amazing insects. A key objective of this site is to use the findings to minimize the amount of damage we do to the environment in the future. AND here is the BLOG http://www.blacksoldierflyfarming.com/blog
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